The Academic Lifestyle

On leisure and the academic lifestyle … I often see posts from academics about how demanding and busy the lifestyle is. For some reason most of the posts I’ve seen like this come from faculty in Education. I won’t (at least for now) speculate on why that might be. And to be fair, I also […]

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The Socialite Lifestyle

What is a socialite? A look into the world of the ‘It Girl’ Often, we see people described in the news as a ‘socialite’, and wonder what exactly that means. Do socialites earn their own money? What do they do each day? Where did they come from? Fortunately, all of your burning questions are about to be […]

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The Adventurer Lifestyle

How to Turn Everyday Life into an Adventure “Every day is an adventure.” ~Joseph B. Wirthlin Be honest. It gets to you, doesn’t it? You feel trapped in a life of monotonous everyday routine. One dull day merges into the next, each equally forgettable. The months slide past until you look up from your desk […]

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The Creative Lifestyle

7 Ways to Live a Creative Life Unless we’re artists, when we think of paintbrushes, play and simple pleasures, we often think that’s for people who aren’t that busy, people who don’t have the responsibilities I have, people who don’t have kids. That’s for people who are not me.   But these things are the very […]

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Sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is a type of lifestyle involving little or no physical activity. A person living a sedentary lifestyle is often sitting or lying down while engaged in an activity like reading, socializing, watching television, playing video games, or using a mobile phone/computer for much of the day. A sedentary lifestyle can potentially contribute to ill health and many preventable causes of death.[1] Screen time is a modern term for […]

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Lifestyle Studies

Lifestyles as styles of thought The approach interpreting lifestyles as principally styles of thought has its roots in the soil of psychological analysis. Initially, starting with Alfred Adler, a lifestyle was understood as a style of personality, in the sense that the framework of guiding values and principles which individuals develop in the first years of […]

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Personal Life

Personal life is the course of an individual‘s life, especially when viewed as the sum of personal choices contributing to one’s personal identity.[1] In ancient past, most people’s time was limited by the need to meet necessities such as food and shelter and there was not much leisure time. People identified with their social role in their community, and engaged in jobs based […]

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Lifestyle is the interests, opinions, behaviors, and behavioral orientations of an individual, group, or culture. The term was introduced by Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler with the meaning of “a person’s basic character as established early in childhood”,[3] for example in his 1929 book “The Case of Miss R.”. The broader sense of lifestyle as a “way or style of living” […]

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Lifestyle Related to Health

Health A healthy or unhealthy lifestyle will most likely be transmitted across generations. According to the study done by Case et al. (2002), when a 0-3 year old child has a mother who practices a healthy lifestyle, this child will be 27% more likely to become healthy and adopt the same lifestyle.[11] For instance, high income […]

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